Elevate Your Business with Proven Blogging Strategies in 2024

Business Blogging Strategies

In 2024, business blogging is not only still relevant – it’s a critical component of any content marketing strategy. Companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month than those that don’t. And businesses that prioritize blogging see 13 times more ROI from their efforts.  Read on to discover the benefits of blogging for business […]

Guest Blogging Opportunities for SEO

Guest Blogging Opportunities for SEO

We all know the power of ranking highly on Google. It can help you establish authority, expand your network, and increase your chances of being discovered by your target audience. Adding guest blogging to your SEO efforts is a key step in achieving online marketing success. If you’re ready to learn the ins and outs […]

Complete Review of Yoast SEO

Complete review of Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is often seen as a “go to” SEO plugin for digital marketers who use WordPress as their content management system of choice. But does it really live up to the hype? In a word: yes. Now that I’ve spilled the beans on where I stand with Yoast, I’ll use the rest of the […]

29 Effective Ways to Promote a Blog And Get Traffic

29 Ways to Promote a Blog

If you build a blog, will they come? Not unless you promote a blog… Duh!  Sure, you might get some organic traffic. But if you really want to produce viral content, you’re going to have to toot your own horn. In this article, we’ll look at 29 ways that you can promote your blog. Use […]

Become a Digital Influencer (Episode 3, May) @johnelincoln

Well this live case study has now been going on for 2 and ½ months. In this post, I will give you an update on what happened in April. This will also be the final update. What?! Noooo! Yes, it is true… We hit the goal… I’ll explain more. When I started this live case study, […]

Join me on my journey to build traffic on johnlincoln.marketing

Thanks for visiting my website. This website has a lot of history, did you know that? I started the site back in 2009 as johnelincoln.com. Back then, it was really the first place you could find me online. I made the site for fun and to have some basic presence. As I moved from director […]