Your Money Your Life (YMYL) & Google EAT: Boost Your SEO Pages
If you are a digital marketer, you know that SEO is a constantly evolving game and if you want to be successful, you have to stay on top of the latest trends. You also need to be sure that you’re following the rules of the algorithm if you want to get a high SERP ranking. […]
SEO Reporting: How to Create SEO Reports Your Team Will Actually Use
SEO is a huge part of digital marketing. It plays a big role in your click-through rates and whether the correct audience discovers your content. But a lot of it — which keywords you use or if you have the proper alt tags on your images — is learned through trial and error. That’s why […]
SEO Software: The Top Ten Highest Rated SEO Tools
There are lots of options out there when it comes to SEO software. Here are the ten best from my perspective and what makes them so great. 1. SEM Rush SEMRush gets consistently high ratings from digital marketers for good reason. SEMRush makes it easier for you to see what works and doesn’t work for […]